
Fees Overview

To understand transfer fees when using Routefusion, there are a few simple rules to follow:

  1. Source Currency: Fees are always charged in the source currency (source_currency) of the transfer.
  2. Source Amount: Fees are always included in the source amount (source_amount) of the transfer.

Fee Calculation

  • When source_amount is applied:

    • The fee is deducted from the source_amount before making the currency exchange.
    • Example: If source_amount is 100.00, the rate is 1.0, and the fee is 1.00, then the destination_amount will be returned as 99.00.
  • When destination_amount is applied:

    • The fee is added to the source_amount required to fulfill the fee and the conversion to meet the destination_amount.
    • Example: If destination_amount is 100.00, the rate is 1.0, and the fee is 1.00, then the source_amount will return as 101.00.